PD Avenue Supermetro Mandaue Mall Tour
PD Avenue recently visited Super Metro Mandaue last May 12, 2007 for their teaser mall show, their third so far.
The kids and teens had a rehearsal before the show.
Miss Ira Custodio, the modeling mentor checked on the participants...
...and even Miss D before the show.
Picture taking before the show!
Miss D giving out final instruction before the start of the show.
The opening number by the kids and teens of PD Avenue season 2!
They introduced themselves...
"We are the kids and teens of Personality Development Avenue, and we dare to Dream, Shine and Grow!"
Miss D interviewed some of the teen participants: Nika, MM, Chantel and Myrves.
The kids delivered poems...
...then offered some public speaking tips!
Commercial acting by the kids. Milk!
Cellular phones!
Miss D interviewed some kid participants...
A sexy "Hips Don't Lie" dance number by Ailyn and Nika!
"Yesterday's Dream" song performance by the kids...
Miss D interviews Miss Ira Custodio.
Hawaiian dance number to the tune of "Tiny Bubbles"
Dance number by the teens!
Angel Louise Bardos, PD Avenue season 1 participant guested...
And for the finale, the fashion show!
The teens in their personality outfits!
Summer Fashion!
All the participants at the curtain call!
Picture picture...
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